SaVanna Wanzer
Petworth, Washington
SaVannna Wanzer, a Native born Washingtonian that resides in the Petworth area for all of her life. She was forced to an early retirement from the Federal Government due to cardiac surgery. With years of advocacy she was determined to have 2 of her visions come to life that has been designed by and for the transgender community. TransPride in 2007 and May Is? “All About Trans” in 2017. Designed for the transgender, gender non-confirming and NB community members that celebrates “Living, Loving, and Educating” each other with 31 days of May that includes conversations, workshops, HIV, PrEP, Research, Survival Sex, employment, and Mental Health. Just to mention a few. We can’t forget our youth by mentoring them to become young activists for themselves. During the month of May well over 2,500 participants attend our events.
Ms. Wanzer believes that inclusion is for all with no EXCEPTIONS. She also has become the first voice representing her community by sitting on Boards like Whitman-Walker Health and Capital Pride Alliance. By building relationships and partnerships with other organizations including Black Pride, Capital Pride, Pharmaceutical Companies, churches, Medical Facilities joins a stronger bridge of understanding each other. Being a visionary she has more dreams that she hopes will come true soon for the community. For her hard work she has received awards that have highlighted her achievements in the community.
Our community also asks that you remember that Trans Lives ALSO Matters when WE chant Black Lives Matter! Black Lives Matter!
Black Lives Matter!
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