DC Center for AIDS Research

About Us

The District of Columbia Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR) is a unique city-wide consortium representing 230 HIV investigators at eight collaborating research institutions in Washington, D.C.

Participating Institutions

The DC CFAR is made up of eight research institutions:

  • American University
  • Children’s National Health System
  • DC Health
  • Georgetown University
  • George Washington University
  • Howard University
  • Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  • Whitman-Walker Health

CFAR Network

The DC CFAR is a part of a larger network of Centers for AIDS Research (CFARs) funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to provide scientific leadership and institutional infrastructure for HIV/AIDS research.

Engagement in the DC CFAR

We encourage visitors and members to explore this site to learn more about the efforts of the DC CFAR to promote and support local, national and international HIV research.  Investigator members can learn more about core services offered including the Pilot Awards Programmentoring servicesbasic science and biostatistics core services, conferences, workshops, and educational activities.


Your gift will help ICW continue its important work supporting and empowering women and girls living with HIV around the world.