ICW Latina


ICW Latina has advocated for all women with HIV to live in a just and sustainable world, with gender equality, where our human rights are respected, mainly the sexual and reproductive rights of girls and adolescents with HIV, having a healthy, free life violence, stigma, and discrimination, with full access to care and treatment, regardless of our culture, age, religion, sexuality, social or economic status, and race.


We are a network of women leaders who actively participate to harmonize regional efforts, favor the exchange of information and experience, promote the formulation of public policies that stimulate the mobilization of resources, influencing decision-makers to guarantee respect for our rights human rights and access to health, education, job opportunities, mainly in girls and adolescents, with gender equality, in situations that affect our lives.


Your gift will help ICW continue its important work supporting and empowering women and girls living with HIV around the world.