ICWNA U=U Not Without Women Campaign Launch + ICW #GenderMatters Pre-AIDS 2020 Events
Please join us in celebrating the launch of our U=U Not Without Women Campaign We see this as a critical time for women all across North America to go deeper into the intersections of gender, race, and class to talk about women's access to becoming undetectable. We are thrilled that this launch will also be in collaboration with the ICW Pre-AIDS 2020 Virtual Webinar Series #GenderMatters.
I AM ICW + Where Do You Fit In? Campaign Launch
Please join us for an hour long session to learn more about ICW-NA and hear stories of some of the amazing and diverse women living with HIV who are apart of it and how they fit into the ICW family. This launch is an effort to fight isolation and mental health, and to find ways to help and advocate for each other.
Housing is Prevention
ICW North America is excited to launch the Feminist Movement Building Mini Campaign #HOUSINGISPREVENTION! Created over a 3 part workshop series by women living with HIV in New Jersey, Washington State, Puerto Rico and Ontario, Canada.
Consent: HIV Non-Disclosure & Sexual Assault
Consent: HIV Non-Disclosure & Sexual Assault (2016)
Members and Friends Picnic
Members and Friends Picnic (2015) Download Flyer