Application to be a Member Organization
Dear Potential Partner,
The International Community of Women Living with HIV – North America (ICWNA) is a network by and for women living with HIV (WLH) in all their diversity. We are a member of the larger International Community of Women Living with HIV Global (ICW-Global). ICW-NA was founded when WLH in Canada and the US realized that they needed a platform from which they could speak about their own experiences, and account for access to comprehensive HIV and Sexual and Reproductive health Services in the North American context. ICW-NA was formally incorporated in 2009, and built its institutional foundations through 2014, when it first received core funding from the Robert Carr Fund for civil society networks (RCF).
See Vision and Mission statement here
As we roll out our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan one of our strategic goals is to build and activate a robust membership for individuals and organizations. ICW wants to work towards an effective, democratically governed and representative network; we would like to expand our membership portfolio and have clear membership expectations and benefits. In addition, ICW is expanding its organization membership base and activating chapters.
ICW wants to partner with organizations that support its vision, missions, and shares its values.
ICW strongly believes that working in partnerships makes for smarter, coordinated, more accessible and easier implementation of activities that will bring an end to the HIV epidemic.
We are excited to welcome you as an organizational member and are sincerely committed to making sure the partnership is mutually beneficial.
As we continue to roll out our strategic plan, we will continue to explore and refine ways in which our partnerships can expand.
Here are some of the basic things that you can expect:
ICW will
ICW asks that Member Organizations
Checklist for Member Organizations
In order to create your partner page and profile, please send the following to